Solar Equipments

A Quest to Develop an Environment That is Future Ready


A growing requirement for energy is directly proportional to an ever-growing population. With increasing public demand and varying electricity requirement, the prominence of energy cannot be denied. Energy sources are widely classified into renewable and non-renewable energies. It’s quite a dreadful fact that non-renewable energy will eventually deplete in coming times, but looking at the situation positively, the prominence of renewable energy will keep on augmenting in the future.

“Studies have asserted that by the year 2050, countries across the world are expected to shift their investments to renewable sources, such as solar, wind, and hydroelectric. Researchers have mapped out the blend of energy sources each country would need to completely transform renewable energy into electric power.” –

Renewable Energy: An Overview

Renewable energy is derived from a limitless source, such as solar, wind, tidal, etc. Proper utilization of these resources has always been a debate. There is no doubt in asserting that renewable energy is the most effective source when it comes to fuel efficient power production. It depends on the consumer to streamline their requirements and select the ideal source of renewable energy to fulfill their energy demands.

Importance of Renewable Energy

The most significant and imperative feature of renewable energy is its availability in abundance. Renewable energy sources are clean alternatives of energy and have a much lesser adverse effect on the environment than any conventional source of energy. With advancements in technology and inclusion of mass communication, people have become more aware of the potentialities of renewable energy and are taking initiatives to tread towards this future-ready energy.

Scientists and engineers from around the world are continuously working in this domain in search of new methods to utilize these energies. With growing threats from global warming caused by burning coal and greenhouse emissions, it has become highly essential to adopt renewable energy into our lives before an environmental apocalypse hits our planet. Renewable energy emits only a minor portion of carbon into the air, thereby, helps in combating the climatic challenges caused by fossil fuel burning.

There are several factors that influence the daily price variations of oil, whereas, renewable energy can be locally produced, hence it eliminates the instability of energy price. Not only the fluctuating prices, but non-renewable resources are also vulnerable to hazards such as explosions, gas leaks, etc. Renewable energy on the other hand, is far cleaner and safer for mankind, as well as the environment. Hence, it is but a viable to shift towards this cleaner form of energy and make it a significant part of our lives to create a sustainable environment that is future ready.

Take a look at the below recommendations on how we can cultivate a completely renewable energy future: –

  • Clean Energy: Promote the most fuel-efficient products and work towards developing the current scenario of renewable energy sources to envelop the globe with a sustainable source of energy by 2050.
  • Grids: Maximize the utilization of solar grids in order to utilize clean solar energy. Make the best use of this vital source of renewable energy to develop a sustainable environment that is future ready
  • Access: Make clean energy accessible to the common man, promote sustainable practices to avail clean electricity such as using a solar cooker to cook food as an alternative to LPG gas.
  • Money: Invest in clean energy and energy efficient products such as solar panels. Acquire shares in the solar business to establish staunch financial stability in this domain.
  • Food: Stop the wastage of food. Start eating food that is sourced via sustainable and efficient sources to promote solar energy and biofuel production. Minimize the amount of meat from the regular diet to maintain the balance of the ecosystem
  • Materials: Augment the practice of “reduce, reuse and recycle” to save substantial energy and minimize the wastage. Work towards developing durable materials that are not harmful to the environment.
  • Transport: Promote the use of eco-friendly transportation via inclusion of electrification and minimizing the fuel usage. Expedite the research towards searching for better alternatives for fuels such as hydrogen.
  • Technology: Develop national, and international action plans and programmes to promote researches and spread awareness among the common masses regarding the prominence of renewable energy.
  • Sustainability: Enforce and fasten the sustainability criterion to ensure that renewable energy is compatible with environmental stability.
  • Agreements: Support climate and energy agreements and promote global cooperation towards renewable energy and global fuel efficiency efforts to emerge as a future-ready planet.

Renewable Sources: The Future of Energy

Appropriate distribution and utilization of energy is imperative in adhering to the need for growing energy demand. Non-renewable resources with its hazardous outcomes and short termed life are a source of encouragement to develop renewable resources for a safer and sustainable future generation. In several countries, renewable energy is still a fresh concept and several industries are yet to invest in this industry. Once the required infrastructure and technology is enhanced in this domain, renewable energy will be copious, dependable, and affordable to the common masses. Such advancement can also contribute to adding a pool of new employment opportunities and augment the global employment graph in many countries, especially in developing ones.

Solar Equipments

Solar Panels – The Reliable Present and Sustainable Future of Renewable Energy


When it comes to developing a sustainable environment, renewable energy sprouts as the most prominent and significant source of energy. Majorly focusing on reducing the energy demands and substantially contributing towards mitigating the effects of greenhouse emissions, renewable sources of energy are certainly the energy for future. Moreover, utilization of renewable energy is considered the ideal way to save on electricity bills and turn to clean energy.

Gathered both, acclamation and criticism in equal quantity, solar energy is one of the abundant sources of renewable energy that will not exhaust in any time soon. From solar ovens to grid styled solar panels, the solar power has harnessed the power of sun’s radiations and offered an affordable way to generate clean energy. Though several technological advancements and researches have paved way for the development of solar power, there is still a major portion of mankind who are not exploiting this abundant source of energy to the most.

History of Solar Panels

Solar energy is derived from the radiation of the sun; hence it is the most readily available source of renewable energy. Sun radiates an exponential amount of energy into space and with the inclusion of advanced technology, we are able to collect that massive energy via solar cells and further transform it into usable electricity. Utilizing this infinite energy from sun dates back to the mid-18th century where radiation used to generate steam for machinery.

By the early 19th century the revolutionary photovoltaic effect came into existence that allowed the seamless conversion of sun’s radiation into usable electricity. With the growing time and evolution in design technology, solar panels kept on advancing in their efficiency. By the mid-1950s, the solar panels started to be used in space satellites. Today’s solar energy scenario is quite commendable and transformational; as solar power is utilized as the conventional source of energy for homes as well as in commercial industries.

Why Solar Panels Should Be Adopted?

Photovoltaic or solar cells can directly convert the sun’s radiation into electricity via the photoelectric effect that doesn’t take support from an external source to perform the function, thereby mitigate the possibilities of environmental hazards. Let’s delve into some of the key features of solar power that asserts solar panel is the ideal alternative for clean energy and sustainable electricity generation.

  • Energy Storage

Solar power is a fragmentary source of energy that cannot be availed at night time, hence the energy storage becomes an important issue as the energy has to be preserved in daytime for later use. With solar panels and its rechargeable batteries, the solar radiations are absorbed for current use and the excess is stored to ensure regular supply of electricity whenever required. Solar panel controls the energy that is fed into it and prevents the battery from overcharging.

  • Remote Power

Solar power is by far the practical way to generate energy for several applications, especially to provide power for those locations which are not serviced with the electricity grid. It is quite a costly affair to lay cables and connect the conventional electricity everywhere, in such circumstances, solar power is proven to be a convenient alternative. Solar panels can be seamlessly installed in remote areas where electricity generation via traditional method is quite difficult.

  • Cost Savings

The installment electric grids and laying cables can be costly, but adopting solar power and replacing the conventional grids with solar panels is a much affordable and cleaner way to acquire durable electricity. With solar power, electricity is almost free to access, and solar panels are highly reliable and possess a longer lifespan that can offer uninterrupted electricity. Little maintenance cost and regular cleaning is what it costs to generate reliable and sustainable electricity.

  • Eco- Friendly

When it comes to global pollution, fossil fuel burning such as coal, oil, and natural gas is proven to be hazardous to mankind as well as environment. Fossil fuels are a non-renewable source of energy as they cannot be replaced or reused once they are utilized and require millions of years to reform again. Solar power, on the other hand, can be reused via natural processes without any adverse effect on the environment and is available in inexhaustible amount. The solar panel does not take assistance from earth’s natural resources but the energy from sun’s radiation to generate electricity.

Solar Panels: A Viable Option to Attaining Sustainability

Adopting solar power is undoubtedly a fruitful tread towards leading a sustainable lifestyle. And solar panels have harnessed the infinite supply of sun’s radiations to provide clean energy and a sustainable source of electricity generation.  Solar energy will be an inexhaustible source of power for years to come, and with advancements, in technology, the affordability of solar equipment will keep on increasing, hence acquiring solar panels for your home and commercial building is indeed a smart move to lead a sustainable life without influencing the balance of the ecosystem.

Solar Equipments

Tips for Choosing the Right Solar Panels


Solar power system garners us with many advantages. Some of the notable benefits of installing solar power are sustainable energy, reduced electricity bills, low maintenance costs, technology development, etc. Evidently, a solar energy system installation is a smart financial investment that is productive for your house as well as beneficial for the environment.

However, there are many companies in your local areas alone that offer a variety of solar panels which makes your purchase decisions process complex. Additionally, there are various factors that you must consider before making the final decision to ensure that you bring home the most productive and lasting solar panel system. To make things easier for you, below we have mentioned few tips that would help you decide the right solar system.

  1. Determine the Type of Solar Panels

Solar panels come in different types and forms depending on their use. Thin film PV panels are the most affordable option but they lack efficiency. Polycrystalline PV panel, on the other hand, offers great efficiency but comes at a significant hefty price. Evidently, it is important to first decide your energy needs. Moreover, investing a couple of extra bucks today can help you gain more panel efficiency in the long run.

  1. Ask a Friend

Asking recommendation from your friends, family, colleagues, or neighbours who have installed solar panel system can give you helpful insights. They will be able to share their personal experience with you and perhaps let you in on the troubles they have dealt with their respective solar PV systems.

  1. Be Careful with the Package Deals

While package deals are great options if you are looking to save money, but not all packages are equal. For instance, a company may offer you a high-quality panel but you should also check the quality of the inverter, wiring, mounting system, and other components as well. It is important to ensure that all the components of the solar panel system work effectively in order to garner optimal results. So evaluate each package through to make a well-informed decision.

  1. Check the Solar Panel Certifications

The certifications on solar panels signify the type of testing that has been conducted on them. For example, TUV IEC 61215 states that the particular solar panel system has been testing by independent laboratory and works in compliance with their advertised specifications.

  1. Check the Warranty Length

Ensure to compare the warranty offered by various manufacturers. Typically, you should expect a warranty of at least 25 to 30 years. If you find a solar panel system which offers warranty in that range, you can guarantee that your solar system is going to be around long enough to pay for itself. Moreover, it is also important to buy from a company that has a strong reputation in the market. An established brand generally offers better warranty and assurance of quality.

  1. Set a Realistic Budget

Quality equipment and installation do not come at a cheap price and typically you get what you pay for. So, if you are given the services in a lower than average prices, you might be receiving poor quality solar system. Another reason why a company offers cheaper price is that they don’t include all the services. Ensure to carefully go through the contract and get a detailed quote before signing any contract agreement.

  1. Compare the Quotes

It is imperative to request quotes from various manufacturers as the prices and services can vary.  Moreover, do not make the final decisions solely based on the price; by lowering the initial investment you may end with lower quality solar components. This can significantly impact the reliability and efficiency of the solar system and cost you more in the long run. You should also gather information about how substantial your savings will and what part of your energy requirement will be met by the solar system. A solar system that can generate around 60% of your energy needs will be more cost-effective than the system that caters to 90% of your need.

  1. Don’t get Distracted by High Sales Pitch

High-pressure sales pitches are common practice in the solar industry. A lot of salespeople pressurize you to take decisions on the spot by giving a limited time offer. Don’t feel obliged to decide anything at that moment. It is important to thoroughly evaluate each of your options to determine which one serves your interest best.

Research, Compare, and Then Decide

Purchasing a solar power system is a prominent task. Presently, even in your local area you can find various manufacturers rendering solar power installation services. It is easier to get carried away by the cheaper options, but ensure that you are not compromising on the quality. Consider all the afore-mentioned factors before you make the final decisions because you want a solar power system in your house that offers maximum cost as well as energy efficiency.

Solar Equipments

Annapolis Renewable Energy Park – Silver Project of the year


Silver, which is the world’s lowest but one of the precious metals used not just for adornment but also for making money, has now proved its worth in scientific applications. Many economists mentioned silver as the monetary metal of the future generation. No matter if it was demonetized by central banks or government, it is still an invaluable precious metal. Due to its property of being conductive electrically and thermally, it allowed mankind to use solar energy by contributing to photovoltaic solar cells. Silver has brought a drastic change in terms of technology.

How Silver Plays an Important Role in Solar Cells?

The silver paste which is highly conducting in nature is used to cover the front and back part of the PV cells. On average, the amount of silver required to prepare this silver paste is 130mg per cell. But this is the data recorded in the year 2016 and it has been predicted that the amount is going to be reduced to 65 mg by 2028 which is an approximate value. This prediction is made by analyzing that the amount of silver used to manufacture the solar cells has significantly reduced from 400 mg to 130 mg from the year 2016 to 2017.

Due to the shorter lifespans and the inclination of the global PV market towards the more efficient and compact solar panels are enough reasons to avoid non-silver PV technologies in the market. Different research has different opinions but the final conclusion is yet to come.


How Much Silver does the Solar Industry uses?

There has been a significant increase in the consumption of silver by the global silver industry since last 3 years. Global silver industry consumed 7% silver of the world’s annual supply which is approximately 77.6 million ounces. This seems to be a very huge amount but with the increasing demand of the solar power supply, the number of solar cells increases which in turns increased the consumption of silver.

The demand of solar power seems higher in the populated countries like India and China which gave an estimation that by 2018, the silver consumption in order to make solar PV cells will be double fold to 148 million ounces.

Among the ocean of ideas to make the projects, there are spoonfuls of those which are implemented and feasible. With the advent of technology, ways to appreciate the efforts also have been increased. One such way is to give the award to the best project and provide monetary help and guidance to make that dream comes true. Silver project of the year has consistently awarded the best project since last few years. There are many parameters on which the project is analyzed by the jury like how much revenue it can generate or how much power will it generate etc.

When it comes to a solar project, lots many factors have to keep in mind before finalizing it. Similar challenges were faced by the project which won the Silver Project of the year 2018, Annapolis Renewable Energy Park. The challenge with this project was not only because this is a landfill project but also because of its sheer size. The project is so huge that it alone can supply power to more than 12 per cent of homes in a city. Technically sound and experienced team was formed to construct this project on a highly sensitive environmental cap. BQ Energy smartly chose the two well-renowned companies, EDF Renewables and Solar FlexRack for the EPC work and for the work of ballasted foundation respectively as these companies have marvellous work experience in services.

Salient Features of the Project:

  • This 18-MW project incorporates 54000 solar panels.
  • These solar panels which are covering almost 80-acre will generate over 20,000 MWh of electricity per year.
  • When it comes to revenue then it is capable of generating $5 million revenue over the period of 20-year lease and also taxpayers can save an estimate of $1.7 million.
  • This project is developed by BQ Energy in collaboration with two well-renowned companies, EDF Renewables, and Solar FlexRack.
  • REC Solar module is used alone with the Power Electronics inverters.

This project is remarkable for its complexity and size. Like other projects, State regulations and EPA protocols will be followed by contractors. From National engineering to procurement and construction will be handled by EDF Renewables Distributed Solutions and for racking, they have Solar FlexRack.

Soon people will be amazed to see a ground of about 60 football field sized getting converted into a powerhouse supplier of electricity. The benefits of this project are not limited to the generation of electricity but also it will help to create job opportunities. This project will also motivate engineers to think beyond it and come up with something which the world has never thought about.

Solar Equipments, solar power plant

Solar PV Panel Tops Boost the Productivity of Plants


Over 41% of the global land area is occupied by Dry-land (arid and semi-arid) and is home to more than 2.5 Billion people. It contributes to around 40% of the overall grain production and support two-thirds of livestock population. Despite that, dry-land agriculture production deals with many crucial challenges including an inadequate irrigation system, prolonged dry spells, low soil fertility, etc. jeopardizing its resilience and sustainability. However, according to a recent study conducted by Oregon State University scientists, solar arrays could be a resource that can increase agricultural productivity on dry farmlands.

Solar PV Arrays – A Sustainable Solution

A study published in the PLOS One journal revealed that the research group OSU’s College of Agricultural Science discovered, grasses which are favored by cattle and sheep flourish in the shade of solar array installed in a pasture on the campus of OSU. The results of this study further indicated that location solar panels on field or agricultural land could boost the productivity of the crop.

According to corresponding author Chad Higgins, some plants have the capability of thriving in shaded environments. And the amount of water required to grow these plants in shaded areas was tremendously less than what it is required in the open field. Moreover, with less water and optimum solar energy, the yield obtained was double.

Higgins further highlighted that the concept of solar PV projects on agricultural land is not new. The difference is, the earlier solar array was not installed dedicatedly to increase plant productivity; it was merely an accident.  However, presently scientists have begun to develop a better understanding of how they can engineer a dedicated system that can be technically practical, economically sustainable, and environmentally sound.

Increased Soil Moisture and Nutritional Value

Oregon State University’s solar PV project located in Corvallis is spawned across 10 acres’ land and has the ability to produce 2.6 Million KWh of sustainable energy per year. Walking past the solar array, Higgins and his colleagues noticed green grass growing under the shades of the installed panels. So they installed microclimate research stations that measured mean air temperature, wind speed, relative humidity, soil moisture, wind direction, etc. After three months, the records revealed that regions under the solar panels maintained higher soil moisture than the open lands. Further, the analysis also found that the shaded areas produced double the amount of plant material and nutritional value than the openly- produced plants. There was also a considerable increase in late season plant growth.

Comprehensive Growth Opportunity

Growing plants in solar farms offered various benefits to move towards the primary objective of expanding renewable energy and reducing carbon emission. An energy-water-land lead analyst at National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) said that solar development is being executed at a massive scale on unused and lands. Growing plants in solar farms present a prolific opportunity to optimize agriculture, strengthen food security while generating sustainable energy at the same time.

Protecting the Declining Pollinators

Crop and native vegetation can help in improving the pollinators health that is already endangered by habitat loss, poor nutrition, pesticide poisoning, decreased genetic diversity, etc. With more and more land being utilized for solar energy production, the concept of making region pollinator-friendly makes economic and environmental sense. Val Dolcini, the President and CEO of Pollinator Partnership based on San Francisco asserted that including habitat into solar farms around the globe is an effective way to protect and promote pollinator health.

Under–panel Native plants advantages don’t limit to solar farm surrounding but also extend to other cropland in the vicinity. Lee Walston a renowned ecologist at Argonne National Laboratory said that pollination insects go beyond solar installations to other croplands, where they boost the production. The native plant offers shelter to dwindling species while serving the purpose of controlling storm water and erosion.

The growth of Various Solar Panel Planting Projects


There have been various pilot projects in Germany, Arizona, Massachusetts, Japan, Croatia, Italy, France, and Japan that encourages dual use of farms because they render both agricultural and electrical production. A dual-use of farm operated by the University of Massachusetts grew different plants including peppers, beans, tomatoes, Swiss chard, etc. under the solar panels elevated around 7.5 to 9 feet above the ground to enable easy harvesting. Moreover, project researchers have revealed that around 3 to the 4-foot gap between panel clusters result in crop yield to be almost the same as it would have been in full sun site. The experiment also revealed that the skin temperature of the farmers harvesting the crops underneath the panel was 25-degrees cooler than those who are working under the bright sun.

Socially, Economically, Environmentally Beneficial Notion

Using solar panels for agricultural purposes is certainly a concept that holds substantial potentials. While the phenomenon is still at its inception, if executed efficiently it can prove to be highly profitable to individuals and the environment in more than one way.